Earth Ella

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About my services

🏡 Higher Potential oriented Guidance, Insights & Readings 🏡 🏡 Understand the energies and patterns playing out in your LIFE & CONNECTIONS to others. And from THIS place we see where you can start stepping into the Highest Version of yourself (your TRUE, Authentic, Radiant self) so that you may begin to experience a life you love, connections that support and nourish you, your POTENTIAL. Yes, we have to be honest about where you/your connections are before we can awaken into a new chapter. It is absolutely worth it, you have to liberate yourself to be free. I have done this for myself and for my beloved clients who have the capacity to absorb my guidance (it is mature guidance, it can be challenging to get through to someone who is fixated on a person/outcome, please let me help you πŸ’›). 🏡 Let me help you discover, align and/or manifest. It is necessary that you actually seek self-empowerment, many prefer the safety of their limitations (unconscious fears of true potential, self-sabotage patterns, unwillingness to honestly do the inner work). I can help you break through your limitations/negative cycles/patterns if you are unsure where to begin. Become the most true, radiant expression of yourself & experience this reflected back to you in your reality and your connections with others. It is available for you if you want it. So many extraordinary people out here in the world are living into their lowest potential without even realising they have a choice in this! Make the choice, your life is so valuable. Stop settling for your lowest potential and making it your reality. Come to me, I can help you. There is a much better way. 🏡 🌺 WELCOME 🌺 to each and every one of you visiting me here. The most important thing to know about me is that I love & care about my clients. Your lives are deeply important to me. I am trying to be online here more. I’m mostly available for LIVE calls & chats because it has become easier to fit in with my privately scheduled clients. But when I can - I do still go on purple ocean. 🏡 Please provide context, this places us at the heart of the matter and helps me to guide you in the most effective way, specifically for you. Every client is unique and I treat all sessions and readings with tailored care. 🏡 Learn how to shift into a higher, more authentic, version of yourself (your true self and purpose) for more advantageous & beautiful life experiences, greater potential (outcomes), attract and harmonise loving & available connections. 🏡 Your future is a combination of Destiny AND Free Will. Predeterminism AND Manifestation. You are both Created and Creator. Learn how to Intentionally Manifest in alignment with your Soul, the most powerful place to manifest from, your true desires. 🏡 I DO NOT give set predictions, as it operates from a LIMITED perception about the vital role we play in creating and aligning with our Potential, our future, our destiny, our soul paths. I don’t limit my clients, I prefer that they shift into higher potentials, fixating on outcomes is very limiting and can create even more blockages when it comes to greater potential. Of course, we look at future progressions. But the idea that there is just one outcome is not intelligent, nor is it true, nor is it helpful if a client would like to be more expansive and alter their path for a better and more aligned experience. 🏡 I cannot provide details on something that doesn’t exist for you yet without addressing what is blocking you from anything remotely manifested. I actually care about you and want you to experience what you desire. 🏡 I won’t encourage fixating endlessly on the actions or thoughts of another person because that is precisely what is holding you back, from reconnecting or a greater potential partner. 🏡 A prediction is simply an observation on what you are currently aligning with or manifesting (however you want to percieve this).You (and another person) can also shift in & out of alignment to shared potential (outcome). You are manifesting and aligning anyway whether you realise it or not, you may as well start to learn how to use this innate ability we all have. I prefer to empower my clients to live into their Highest Potential. Start LIVING INTO your highest potential, stop WAITING. Waiting and Fixating is a habit, an expression of fear, that is keeping you trapped and ignoring your personal potential. It is as absurd as planting a seed and repeatedly digging it up to see if it’s growing. 🏡 When you shift your energy to align with your higher and most true potential and purpose, you stop living into your lower potential. You step further into who you really are, you attract your truest desires, your connections become a demonstration of love not fear, your career becomes purposeful, you are able to receive more etc This is about returning to your natural state, the truth of who you really are. Higher Vibrational lives begin with courage and humility. Guidance is very useful (necessary) if you are feeling unclear on how to progress in love/life/career. You can create a life you love through shifts in present energy and an awareness of potential. Become a clearer channel for what you want to experience. 🏡 When you align with your soul more & the highest version of who you truly are, the more coherent your Mind/Body/Spirit becomes. This is your Vibration, Energy, Frequency, aligning you with higher vibrational outcomes, creating your reality and attracting your desires (Love/Career/Purpose etc). This means you become more CLEAR on your true desires, your actions are more aligned. Life can feel very confusing when you are out of alignment. This is where I can help you. 🏡 Your natural state as a human being IS abundance, whatever that means for YOU. To manifest, you can’t just β€œthink” it. You use mindest as the crystalline tool to access your energy (your vibration, your frequency) through your emotions. How your mindest makes you FEEL. You need to learn how to emobody an abundance mindest if you want to manifest effectively, how to sustain this. Surface level LOA teachings often gloss over this, it is KEY. 🏡 When you start living into the Highest version of WHO YOU TRULY ARE, your energy can affect the energetic fields of those connected to you in a POSITIVE way, you become radiant. You no longer remain available, or waiting, for people who are not present/available for you. I want you to discover that you can be a revelation to yourself, and others and they will want to be connected to this so that they themselves become so much more than they had ever dreamed. When you radiate at a high vibration your energy inspires others to connect or reconnect with you in way that you have always wanted. 🏡 Please note: You are going to create disappointment for yourself when I won’t feed obsessions of the mind if this is what you are asking me to do, I actually care about my clients and I work to help them progress. 🏡 The Tarot is the archetypal story of ENERGETIC alchemisation of a human soul through life experience in 3 Septenaries: The Self, The Collective and the Apotheosis (Divine). I can use Tarot to gain insights into energies at play and future progressions/connections but I don’t need it if you are investing in a more direct and instructive session to understand how to shift your energy towards your highest potential (love/career/purpose/wealth creation) or how to harmonise a connection, or release yourself from a connection that is no longer serving you. 🏡


Oracle guidance, Love readings, Tarot readings

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