Spiritual Coffee

Psychic And Spiritual Messages
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About my services

❗️❗️PLEASE READ BEFORE BOOKING WITH ME❗️❗️ ✨DO NOT ASK ME TO LOOK INTO SOMEONE ELSE’s ENERGY. It is unethical. I encourage you to ask me things that directly relate to YOU, not someone else. You are here to live YOUR OWN best life, not to focus on things that are out of your control. It is my role to deliver EMPOWERING, inspiring and healing guidance for YOU. ✨I’m a psychic, medium, and channel. My mission in this life is to provide insight and guidance from Spirit to align and inspire those drawn to me to live their best lives. ✨I love using tarot and oracle cards in my readings as I find they provide a more specific message sometimes for me. I am not a “traditional” tarot reader though. I do it all intuitively and as I’m guided to. ✨My clients respect me for the fact that even though I may not always tell them what they WANT to hear, it’s always what they NEED to hear. ✨Those whom are drawn to work with me understand and respect that we are all co-creators of our lives and that it’s not a matter of sending wishes into the sky, it’s a matter of putting the work in to align us with what it is that we want. 🚫I won’t look into someone else’s energy without their express permission. To me, that is a tremendous violation of privacy as well as my own ethics as a spiritual worker. 🚫I don’t give medical or legal advice. Please seek the help of someone in that field if that’s the sort of assistance you need. 🚫I don’t give timelines. Time doesn’t mean the same to Spirit as it does to us, so it’s not usually applicable. 🚫I don’t answer questions regarding when my sitter or someone else will pass away. ✨It is my work in this lifetime to give those whom are drawn to work with me the tools that they need to align with the best possible version of themselves. What you do with the tools that myself and Spirit give you, is very much up to you.


Oracle guidance, Psychic readings, Tarot readings

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