Jessica Deborah

Intuitive Twin Flame, Guide
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About my services

I am an Intuitive Reader of 4 years, Spiritual Teacher & Energy Alchemist. I specialise in Twin Flame Readings and coaching, but I will read on any situation for you and help you to manifest the person and life purpose that is meant for you. 💜 LISTEN TO YOUR HEART 💜 My goal is not to have you hang on to people that will never commit. I will tell you your highest possible timeline and I will help you get to it. My teachings are mainly about the relationship you have with yourself, healing codependency, cultivating self-love, clearing abundance blocks, living your BEST DAMN LIFE, and improving your relationships with others. I want you to manifest the kind of life that you deserve to live and attract the partner that you deserve. I’m Claircognizant, Clairsentient, & Clairaudient and often receive Intuitive guidance & knowing via feelings and activations within my chakra system and hearing things like songs in my head. I’ve just started to see visions again for the first time since my childhood I will help you to connect more deeply to your spirit and help you to understand the lessons that are being reflected to you. My aim is for you to feel free, detached, joyous, and be living inside the mission that your soul wants for you. My readings will bring through the information you most need to know on this journey from your SOUL, and you will always be receiving the experience the message that you most need to at this time. I am a conduit for spirit, and I am just reflecting back what your higher self most needs to hear at this time to progress in your journey. Often it will be a firm confirmation of what you already truly know deep down. I want you to leave understanding your own power and with a feeling that your inner compass can guide you. I am also a reiki healer and energy alchemist and I can help you shift your energy from lack to abundance. Keep the below in mind; ➡️ Time isn’t linear, therefore please do not ask me questions around time frames, because time shifts and changes all of the time based on free will and individual choice. If spirit wants to bring through a timeframe through vision or my clairaudience, however, I will share that with you. ➡️ Maximum of 2 questions per reading. ➡️ Please don’t ask me to spy on another person’s relationship with someone else. ➡️ I’m a no fluff reader. ➡️ My readings are not gender specific, so I am picking up on masculine and feminine energy and not gender. ➡️ I may pick up on your energy or the energy of those around you and highlight a story. You can switch and change the roles to fit your story. ➡️ Because time isn’t linear I may also pick up on things that are yet to unfold on your journey. Allow time for your reading to unfold. ➡️ Please don’t ask questions about death, legal situations, medical advice. ➡️ Readings are for entertainment purposes only and should not be substituted for professional advice.


Oracle guidance, Love readings, Tarot readings

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