Psychic Superior

psychic Tarot energy love and more
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About my services

🔮TEXT, PHONE & VIDEO CHAT🔮 Contact me today by phone, text or video I include in my readings tarot card crystal ball and palm reading. 💖Now Offering Twinflame , Tarot , psychic and Energy readings on TEXT chat!!! 💖 🔥10 min reading by TEXT can do a deep dive into your twinflame connection.🔥 I am a Level 13 Psychic Reader with natural born abilites Given at birth .I use my gift to read and help determine what path is RIGHT for YOU!!! 🧿🔮🧿🔮🧿🔮🧿🔮🧿🔮🧿🔮🧿 Specialist in twin flame and true intent of lovers actions. Find out today if they truly love you. 💖 🧘‍♀️Available only on video chat!🧘‍♀️ Now offering guided meditation only on video chat! Guided meditation is used to help you connect with your spirit guides and may help improve your social environment and life in general. If you have been struggling with your own meditations, I do offer, guided meditation to help you along the way on your spiritual journey! (3 min. Reading needed to evaluate). 🧿🧿🧿❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🧿🧿🧿 CHAKRA BALANCE on video chat only! Chakra balancing is a very healthy part of your spiritual journey. this sessions helps to maintain positivity and allow you to connect with your spirit guides and also yourself. Chakra balances also a tool that is used and times where we are feeling blocked in life and feelings of uncertainty. Feeling blocked in you love life and dont know why? Get an evaluation thru 24 hr or a Rush 3 min reading today! 🚫READ BIO BEFORE ORDERING A READING🚫 💣I am here to inform you on the truth i see in your life currently. I read energy and frequency that is constructing you future in the now . 🕯🕯🕯I am very genuine and honest in all readings. Please be aware!!!!! I do not tell you what you want to hear!!!!! 🕯🕯🕯 Following questions I DO NOT ANSWER!!!   ⭕HEALTH (your own or someone elses, this also pertains to pregnancy)     ⭕DEATH ( your own timeline of when death will occur or someone who has already passed on.   ⭕ LEGAL ADVISE ( I do not answer any question on how any legal stature will go and do not give any legal advise. )   ⭕EDUCATION ( at all no questions on where will you attend school or if you will graduate. Not of your own education or someone elses)           ⭕ I DO NOT DO GENERAL READING.  (It is only a 3 min reading. I can not answer your entire future in that state of time.  )  ⭕ I DO NOT ANSWER QUESTIONS THAT I FEEL ARE INNAPROPRIATE. (intamacy issues or intimacy between you and someone else. ) I DO NOT GIVE TIME FRAMES!!!!!!!!! I DO NOT GIVE THIRD PARTY READINGS!!!!!! the read is for you and only you. (I will not read an ex's or current lovers situation. only if it presenters in your reading. ) hello and welcome to my purple ocean page. I am Mastered Psychic Sue. My abilites range from tarot reader to spiritual advisor. I am known as one of the most intuitive spiritualist in Texas and have a establishes business in Dallas, tx for 12yrs. I am highly recognized for my authentic readings and my spiritual background. With my powerful gift to predict your future and the aspects of your life journey in great detail. I have Over 15 yrs. experiance dealing with the spiritual world. harnessing the energies of the universe and becoming one with my guides, I can help introduce you to your guides and have complete control of your Destiny. 💓 My gifts are used in other practices also. such as a lovers reading which gives great detail about ones soulmate & twin flame💓. I can tell you everything you've been questioning about you relationship, friendships. past, present and future. hola y bienvenido a mi página de océanos púrpura. Estoy dominado Psíquico Sue. Mis habilidades van desde el lector de tarot hasta el consejero espiritual. 🕯🕯🕯.Me conocen como uno de los espiritualistas más intuitivos en Texas. Con un regalo poderoso para predecir su futuro y los aspectos de su viaje de vida con gran detalle. Tengo más de 15 años. experiencia desling el mundo espiritual. Aprovechando las energías del universo y convirtiéndome en uno con mis guías, puedo ayudarlo a presentarle sus guías y tener el control completo de su Destino. mis dones también se usan en otras prácticas. como la lectura de un amante que proporcionaba un gran detalle sobre las almas gemelas y ... llamas gemelas🕯. Puedo contarte todo lo que has estado cuestionando sobre tu relación, tus amistades. pasado, presente y futuro. ⭕HEALTH (tuyo o alguien más, esto también se relaciona con el embarazo) ⭕DEATH (tu propia línea de tiempo de cuándo ocurrirá la muerte o alguien que ya falleció). ⭕ AVISO LEGAL (No respondo ninguna pregunta sobre cómo irá ninguna estatura legal y no doy ningún consejo legal). ⭕EDUCACIÓN (en absoluto preguntas sobre dónde irás a la escuela o si te graduarás. No de tu propia educación o de otra persona) ⭕ NO HAGO LA LECTURA GENERAL. (Es solo una lectura de 3 minutos. No puedo responder todo tu futuro en ese estado de tiempo).


Love readings, Psychic readings, Tarot readings

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