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🦁🦁🦁Leo season 2024 🦁🦁🦁 Horoscopes! Check your Sun Moon and Rising for more holistic personalized message. Aries Leo Season  2024 ♈🐏♈🐏♈ Shifting into more serious thinking, Aries's energy is moving with more caution this season. It's been a long time since we had fire energy and this boost will have you finally putting in the efforts you've been planning in a more calculated way than we've seen out of this sign. The trust required in the universe matching you is a new toy you're playing with and in this learning stage, there are errors to be made. Stay humble to avoid conflicts and move slowly to really soak up the sun. As we move into Aug some dates will have Aries energy provoked and even triggered to make more rash decisions, but these days will pass by if you let them. Aug 14 is a test of your willpower to stay the course, and whether you betray yourself or honor your goals, the results will be bestowed within 3 days. Are you playing for keeps or not? The choice is yours. Mercury retrograde has you facing the repercussions of your habits and lifestyle choices on your mind and body. Take heed to avoid irreparable damages. - Astro Brie Taurus  ♉🐂♉🐂♉🐂 Destiny is calling darling and the only way to harness this energy is for you to get up and move. The season is starting off with a loving  and thrilling aspect that triggers you to look at your comfort zone with a skeptical eye. Your relationships are also at the forefront of your mind and it's likely there is a push to make levels advance.If you engage you could be looking at wedding dates, if you're dating you might be looking to move in together. The talk is good but wait until Virgo season to start putting down those dollar bills. No betting until we are back in Earth energy ok? The last days of July might have you feeling the need for people pleasing or overstepping your role to influence the energy you are feeling from others, please don't give into that. You are worthy of respect and consideration for love without being a doormat. Stand up for that intuitive knowledge you have. Aug 19th is a day  where you might feel compelled to speak on your reasoning but trust that those you really respect won't argue your point away or dismiss them, and those that do are showing you something you need not ignore about themselves.- Astro Bruce  Gemini ♊👬♊👬♊👬♊ July 21st has you starting the season feeling shut out for your ideas but understanding, as always the unexpected offers insight too. Plans are being shifted and the less you hold on to your expectations the faster you'll get to your goals. By the 25th there is new material to consider and you must weigh these pieces of information with what you know about yourself and your desires. Aug 5th your planetary ruler Mercury goes retrograde for the 3rd time of 4 times, this year in a fire sign. This revamp and reinvention is all centered around how you think and what you think about others, and yourself. The way you process is faster than any of the other signs. This Mercury retrograde is asking you to examine your process for who and how you connect the dots and speak on your findings. There may also be narratives that arise regarding neighbors and siblings. On the 8th of Aug, there is a blessing to be had but it might come in the form of a house guest or gift that makes the home feel different but fun and pleasurable. This is an excellent time to put a hold on a big purchase, but don't go all in yet. The 19th will have you feeling rejuvenated in your energy but it's best that you conserve it for now. By the 24th of Aug (Virgo Season), you'll have new information that will make you glad you waited. If there are things to get or replace or things that you have to commit to in this season, moving as slowly as possible on it and as thoroughly through it can yield worthy results Cancer ♋🦀♋🦀♋🦀♋ Starting off out the gate, July 21st brings a Full Moon with Pluto onto your energy and can feel like a weighted blanket on your mojo. Let the tears flow if you can, this cathartic action will move the processing along. Feeling underappreciated or overlooked will be highlighted for that full moon but most of that is a result of you back burning yourself. To counteract this huge heavy moon energy tap into your spiral process, get out in the moonlight, and dance, cry, and pray. Let your inner enchantress/ magician come out and be one with this big energy. If you can get to the water, go there and watch the waves. July 27th is a challenging day but you can take the reins and rule it if you remember to bring your manners and passion. Aug 2- 3 offer you a chance to invoke a new part of your talents and apply them to creative projects. This new hobby or ambition will see its accumulation in 6 months when you can find the novice energy has worn off and you're ready to share your experience and trust others to support it with you. This Mercury retrograde is happening in your value center so you must be paying yourself all the love and care you can, being kinder to yourself while applying commitment to your goals does require resistance from the part of you that enjoys instant gratification. The easy way is closed now, the only way to get to your goal is with a promise and pledge. It won't be easy but it will be worth it. Do not take out loans if you can at all avoid it- this is not the time for leaning on others for income support, wait until Aug 28th in Virgo season to talk about money lending Leo ♌🦁♌🦁♌🦁♌ Happy Birthday and welcome to your forecast! Leo this season is another chapter in a decade-long evaluation that is winding up. July 22nd starts you off with a banging full moon with Pluto in the mix and you're starting to understand the gravity and depth of those in your inner circle and the advisories you have eyes on. The 25th and 26 of July have you feeling empowered but watch out for self-sabotage in the name of being respected or seen. The 4th of Aug has you feeling rejuvenated and prepared to take action with a newfound level of confidence, you are feeling yourself for the first time in a long time. You might find your social groups are heating up but watch out for GroupThink and mass programming, let yourself remain quiet until you have observed the facts and information yourself. The wave of energy is very intoxicating now, and you are a lion, not a sheep- remember to let time take its course and form your own opinion, no matter the flood of influence you are subjected to. The 7th of Aug offers some interesting events that will surely make you want to react and take action, but let yourself watch a bit before you engage, this is a weird and strange time and if you're not careful being misunderstood or misrepresented could cause a lot of issues for you going forward. The 15th and 19th of Aug offer some very deep feelings and impactful insights regarding your more buried pain. Let yourself learn more about the perceived enemies and hold them to a blank slate when measuring your opinion about them. If you know the enemy and you know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle - Sun Tzu Virgo ♍💃♍💃♍💃♍ This year harks back to a time not too long ago when you were faced with the same opportunities for redefinition that you are now. In Mid Aug 2017 - Sept 2017, we had almost the same Mercury retrograde that is being served this season. It is a revamping of your core identity and values taking hold and there is a rebellious energy that is also seen now and throughout the rest of this year. August 5th has you ready to move past some of the trappings of self-doubt you have been battling since last February as the Moon enters your sign.  You are moving very smoothly through then to August 10th as Venus offers a lot of good vibes and there is a newfound confidence you have gained. The 18th holds some surprises so wait until after the 22nd  and we enter your sign, before making any promises or signing yourself into any commitments. Overall this is a great season for you, so enjoy it. “There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self.” - Ernest Hemingway  Libra-  ♎⚖️♎⚖️♎⚖️♎ Your friendships, association and how you are connected to the collective is being adjusted this Leo season. The fire energy of this time is asking you to ‘Live and Let live”. Venus, your ruler and Saturn her friend are offering you opportunities to accept what does not work as a lesson in evolution. Letting go of social obligations makes more room for self care and alone time, which is needed now. Be Careful with the social media influence on your gentle soul at this time as the narratives contrived can issue you some self inflicted psychological wounds. August 8th is a compelling day for you and it's best that you treat yourself instead of spreading that vibe. Be your own bestie today, the chances for a great time improve vastly when you do. This is an excellent time to learn about your shadow self and dive into psychological study as well. Feeling misunderstood is likely at this time and it's best if you limit conversation to what's needed. Mercury retrograde will give you an opportunity to look at the populace that you identify with through a new lens and you might not agree with all you hear. It's okay to outgrow your social circles, there's no point in trying to make them see your perspective, they cannot ever fully get that point of view. Try not to hold grudges against those that aren't growing, people can only understand the level of their own self awareness.  Scorpio  ♏🦂♏🦂♏🦂♏ With the Sun now in your space of public image, reputation and legacy. It's likely you're feeling a bit less reclusive now then you have been. Big changes that are taking center stage on the world front are overwhelming to say the least, but your desire to be the change is not ignorable.  A desire to connect and read, write and talk to like minded people might be more prevalent in the last few days of July but mind your audience, there are haters in the shadows and the topics you're sharing might set the wrong tone to the intended crowd. There are bruises and scars you need not share with those who don't have your best care in mind. The third and fourth of August have you reaching into new connections and leaving quite an impression when you do. By the tenth of August you are feeling the power to reach new heights with your goals and reaping some of the rewards and receipts  for your efforts thus far. The 14th of August ushers in an expansive force that has you looking back at your shadow self and either embracing a new perspective or rejecting it. I advise you to not reject it, there is a risk in doing so. This is a warning from the universe trying to help you recognise where you might be over reaching and harming yourself and others out of ignorance. Once you know better, you can do better- but that is a choice you have to stand by it or face the consequences of not. You will see the results of this choice pretty soon after as Saturn makes contact with your ruler and brings together the two parts of your life that week. The two parts are your 8th house of  your trust in others, your  secrets, debts, and fears and  your 5th house of  love, children, creativity, joyfulness and romantic heart. You can begin to build something epic if you put in the sacrifices needed and be humble enough to own your past wrongs and commit to a better future effort. Mercury retrograde will have you facing the outcomes of your choices, and looking into what could be when you move differently.   Sagittarius.  ♐🏹♐🏹♐🏹♐ Fire energy is here and you are learning to burn brighter with willpower. For the first part of this season, in July you are still reeling from the powerhouse shocks you had about lifestyle and health ( both mental and physical ) since mid-July. These harsh realizations showed up to help you take your power back. There have likely been moments of pure frustration and even fear regarding your regular routines and work as of late but the energy is fading out now and what you are left with is an opportunity to course correct. The need to prioritize your sleep and health is not going to go away, and the sooner you step into that new pattern of behavior the faster you reap the benefits. August 13th is your Lunar day, and you will feel empowered to start new things, but with mercury in the microwave, remember it's sometimes necessary to suck at it to learn how to be great. Actually, Mercury retrograde will embark on its path in your reputation house and move back into your space of personal philosophy this season, and when it does you can connect back to the part of you that is open to redefine your self-image. Always been a walker but got your first car, or always been an anti-gym Dude/girl but started fitness classes- this is a chance to evolve the self because you have aged out of your previous self-imposed limitations. Who you are and how you relate to others because of how you see yourself will bring you a new flare of popularity and by the end of this season you will be feeling yourself and have created a new pathway to a greater and more expansive version of yourself. Take it easy on the 19th, cause the energy is crusty and you need rest days too.  Capricorn ♑🐐♑🐐♑🐐♑ After the whirlwind that was Cancer Season, you are ready to steady the course. You have learned a lot about others in this shift and as the new Summer Leo energy comes in you are diving deeper and accessing spaces of sensitivity and fragility that you've not accessed in a long time, if ever. A calm is taking over now as you watch the impact you have when you wait to speak and let yourself listen. As we roll into the third Mercury retrograde in a fire sign, your subconscious patterns that were etched in your childhood are breaking up. You are opening yourself up to vulnerability to be your most authentic self. This is true courage. By the 5th of August, you are tapped into the change you want to have, and your philosophy of why you want this change is prevalent in all parts of your perception. The 15th - 19th of Aug has a series of fast developments brewing that are setting you up for change, but it's scary - this is heavy and you can feel its importance. You're out on a limb but it's a courageous move and this daring open heart is empowering those around you to be more vulnerable too. The part will be the hardest, but ultimately you will be glad you pushed yourself through it when it's all past you. By mid-September, you will find gratitude in your wisdom in the place where fear lingers and you will be forever changed. You are learning to love on a whole other level and it's worth it, every time. “There is no courage without vulnerability. Courage requires the willingness to lean into uncertainty, risk, and emotional exposure.”- Brene Brown Aquarius  ♒🏺♒🏺♒🏺♒ Starting off the season in July the focus is shifting to who you are to other people. There is a heightened sense that your interpersonal relationships are changing and the depth of trust is being tested. This Mercury retrograde may have you sharing your fears with others and testing the levels of faith you have in these connections with how this exposure of your more sensitive bit is handled. Your connections to siblings and or neighbors and coworkers are also shifting. With a new understanding of the individual, there is a chance to see these people and their role in your life as inspirational. August has an abundance of activity with others, you likely will be very busy and social this summer. The 16th through the 19th is intense and probably the most impactful time of the summer for you. I recommend hitting the gym or doing exercises like hiking or swimming so you can avoid the drama other people are expressing and projection at that time. Overall, it's a good season with lots of focus on bonding. It's likely if haters are lurking it will be the end of the season when they try to influence your positive vibe, it's not likely this will have much impact if you use the last days of Leo's season to spoil yourself and center your energy back inwards.  Pisces ♓🐟♓🐟♓🐟♓ The Moon ventures back into your sign on the 21st of July and you have a chance to regroup after the massive Full Moon that is welcomed in the season.  You're going to need that boost because this season is coming in heavy. For Leo Season, there is a significant focus on the mutable signs to lead the charge in change. Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and your Pisces are the mutable signs - meaning your energy echoes the changing of seasons. These frequencies are always interconnected in their experiences and two of these signs are impacted greatly over the next 4 weeks. With all this agitation in your experience, home probably doesn't feel all that still and quiet these days. Getting overstimulated can result in hurting the self or others so you need to be careful of projecting that agitation outward or inwards and find a way to ground and center in the chaos. This is a great time for redecorating and moving things around though. Mercury retrograde will be in your 7th house of partnerships when it kicks off and it's likely you will feel the uncertainty and inconsistency in the people closest to you. They are changing too- LET THEM. August 7th is a great day to trust the universe and let yourself go for an adventure with no destination in mind. Leave it open for wandering and let the Gods guide you to something special and unexpected. August 19th is not a day for shopping, it's likely you will be disappointed in any purchases made on this day but to counteract that weird vibe, this is a great day to give to charity or volunteer.  -Brie Astro


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