Stephanie Michelle

Intuitive Tarot Readings
5.8h average response
97.4% on-time delivery

About my services

✨My specialities - Love and Relationships - Money/Career/Finances/Business - Geo-location Readings for Moving and Business Properties - Life purpose/Personal Growth and Development ✨Please note!!! ****Before we connect on the phone, it is suggested to take a few deep, cleansing breaths. This will allow a clearer channel of energy flow for me to provide the most centered and grounded insights and answers that I can relay for you! 💗 --I often 'hear phrases' and see images in my visions from my higher self and spirit guides that I will relay to you. I provide deep healing accurate insights into your questions and situations. I embody clairvoyant (clear-seeing), clairaudient (clear-hearing) and claircognizant (clear-knowing) capabilities. I receive information via my higher self and my spirit guide team during your reading session. I am an Empath who is deeply compassionate towards people and their situations. My overall goal during your session with me is to bring a feeling of clarity, confidence and empowerment into your situation(s) and life path. Specific questions often work best, however I can also do a general overall reading if you prefer. If you will be asking about anyone else during your reading, I will need their first initial or first name only. Please note that your reading must stay centered around your own energy, however I can most definitely tune into those around you as well! Please note **** There are no set outcomes in life. I can tune into current energies of your situation and most definitely feel and see what the likely trajectory is... however it is never set in stone. Your energy and attitude really matters. I will not tolerate harsh, rigid energy towards me when I am trying to help.


Psychic readings, Tarot readings, Love readings

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