Totally Vidya

Intuitive Transformation Guidance
0.7h average response
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About my services

Iā€™m Vidya, a spiritual advisor and clear channel with clairsentient and clairaudient abilities. I offer direct, clear cut, and intuitive guidance to help you gain clarity and take inspired action with your life situation or query. I draw on my spiritual gifts, intuitive abilities, and experience and training as a certified life coach and certified Akashic Records reader to offer pragmatic and transformative guidance around: * Career/Profession/Vocation * Love and Relationships * Inner child /Shadow work for deep healing and personal growth. * Any other life situations or queries where you feel confused, stressed, or stuck :). Kindly keep the following in mind when considering a reading with me: * I use the intuitive arts solely for clarity and guidance. I do NOT offer predictive outcomes in my readings on any matter. * I do not offer timelines as a rule. I believe all happens in Divine timing and alignment, and timelines can change based on our free will choices and other factors. * Please be clear and specific about what you want to know. Offer context and pertinent details about the situation and/or people involved. * I do NOT answer general queries such as: What will happen this month. * Iā€™m a truth-teller; I will call it as I see it whilst being as compassionate and empathic as I can. I ask therefore, that you come to me with open heart AND mind, receptive to whatever is being revealed at the time šŸ™. * This is a safe, non-judgemental space to be vulnerable. Anything you share will be kept confidential. I look forward to serving and supporting you to the best of my ability in Diving timing and alignment. To your highest and best! šŸ™


Oracle guidance, Tarot readings, Psychic readings

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