Tarra Tea Eater

Tarot Readings
2.2h average response
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About my services

I am an intuitive and creative tarot card reader. I have 20 years experience reading tarot cards and I have used the tarot closely in my own life and development. I primarily use the cards to uncover unconscious patterns to empower you to redirect and create your future. I believe we have free will but we rarely use it- the cards can guide us to pinpoint our past experiences and conditioning so that we can have more awareness in future decisions and situations. Once we’re able to undue unconscious patterns we are are able to be more in control of our present & future selves and timelines. I utilize astrology, numerology, synchronicities and spiritual downloads in my readings. I am very honest and direct, but am also compassionate listen deeply. I look forward to reading for you! 🔮please only ask 2-3 questions 💜If you ask about another person please understand that I can only guide you on your actions/inner state in any situation and I cannot see into their emotional/physical state with the cards 👿no questions about legal/health issues


Oracle guidance, Tarot readings

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