Angel Wisdom

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About my services

Hello and welcome, I am naturally an empathic intuitive guide with a vast heart space and this is why I feel A LOT of what is occurring. I bring healing changes. SOLUTIONS are available in most circumstances and other times we need the help to find acceptance in something before it will move! Either way, we will come together and uncover your information and see what can be done. When you come to a session humble and with an open heart and mind we WILL get things shifting! That is all that is required. . . the rest will flow. . . Step into being HUMBLE, then add states of FAITH and GRATITUDE and we will move mountains! My greatest strength is feeling what is and what is not truth, therefore I do not need divination tools of any kind. . . simply by listening to what you say, I connect and find the wisdom you need for your situation. I WILL GUIDE YOU ON YOUR HIGHEST PATH with the information I receive. **I help with specific issues and focus on helping you make real shifts to improve your life by giving guidance for your highest good. βœ”No general readings (I focus on specific situations) βœ” No career readings No one can tell you what career is best for you but your own heart πŸ’– This is what I do well: πŸ’“ Matters of the heart πŸ’“Understand something deeper πŸ’“Empower yourself πŸ’“Improve yourself πŸ’“Make changes The universe mimics what you do, so give the amount of detail you want back. Send a video of you speaking about the specific situation.


Oracle guidance, Angel insights, Love readings

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