Serena Sky

Spirit Guidance
11.7h average response
98.4% on-time delivery

About my services

I seek to help those who have blocked themselves from their guides, those who know not how to interpret or communicate with their guides effectively, and those who have either lost touch or have yet to develop their own intuition. ✨ • If you wish to receive information solely regarding any emotional blockages and the state of subconscious health, send only a photo of the individual's face. (This can now be done by setting it as your profile photo.) No DOB or general zodiac sign is necessary. 🌬 My focus is on guiding individuals towards the light hidden within their times of confusion and darkness, as well as finding pathways to success, emotional stability, and self-fulfillment. This may translate through the connection between one's fears and passions to their emotional habits, physical behaviors, and bodily and mental health. IMPORTANT 🌈 A good psychic isn’t always the one who tells you what you want to know. The kind of psychic spiritual advisor worth your time and worth you paying for their time ... (Because you are paying for exactly that; what I provide for you isn’t something I create. What I provide for you that leads to your betterment is stopping my day to open up and receive information relating to your experience. What comes through may be useful insight for myself, but the intention of the time is to receive content focused on helping you.) ... is one who opens themselves up for connection with the intention to receive that which will best improve your positioning in life. This may mean images or sounds come through, visions of possible future happenings may be experienced, or what may come is some simple earthly advise. This advise is not coming solely from me; it may be coming from someone or somewhere entirely not me. It may regard something I’ve never experienced ever, but the knowledge pertaining to it is flowing into my energetic field and through my lips to you. When considering the worth of a psychic/advisor to you, consider if the content the person offers you helps better your life. Not if they are able to answer all your questions, or present you information you fancy for frivolous reasoning. Listen to the ones who, whatever their process or offerings may be, can help you move towards your personal zenith. 🌄


Love readings, Psychic readings

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