EsoTarot Da Cane

A Girl W A Gift
4.4h average response
99.7% on-time delivery

About my services

Hello love, I am eager to see what the divine brings through for you as spiritual aid or assistance for your journey…so, please connect once you are ready. I am. Like you, I cannot wait to get your burdens off of your chest. But pls read what all I have written to avoid the feeling of buyers remorse from having selected me as your advisor (not that this happens often, but let’s protect your hard earned money, shall we?) Come into your session with names, birthdays with the month spelled out, a brief description of your problem and your questions. If you provide a video pls still write out your actual questions to make sure your actual concerns are answered. I will ask you questions to help me get your solutions faster. Be honest. Be open. I will not sell you fairytales. I do not make up timelines or imagine your soulmate. Details I get regarding a partner are gifts & so are timelines; not every reading has these things. Only 2-3 questions can be answered in detail in 3 minutes. If you ask more questions I will answer them in the order you ask them until the timer runs out. One topic of your life is really the best for a 3 minute recording so I am not all over the place making your reading harder to understand. Please order more time if you have more questions, respectfully & keep to one topic in 3 minutes if you want detailed answers. Here are some things you can put in the beginning of your session with me or write into your description for your reading request: 📌I am likely to ask you for dob’s, current status of employment/relationship, current title of employment/relationship & how long you have been experiencing the current status. 📌 Here is an example: My name is Da Cane My birthday is September 17 My employment status is self-employed. & my relationship status is engaged. I have been self-employed since 2013. I have been engaged/in my relationship for 8 going on 9 years ❌ PLEASE DO NOT SEND LAST NAMES it is against terms of use on the platform ❌ I will ask you questions. I find your participation is required for a successful reading session especially where I am guided to ask you questions. I am asking for a specific reason & in some cases it wastes time to explain why. I am always mindful of your time. Everything will remain CONFIDENTIAL. I am NONJUDGEMENTAL & all though I find it interesting that we live in a world where this must be said…I want you to know that ALL ARE WELCOME HERE. 🌈 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈 You do not want to miss a session with me. I care deeply for your pain & I cannot wait to heal another soul or to make your burden lighter… I read auras and energy for live calls only. I am an Empath & when I describe what something feels like to me you may feel a different word describes it better but understand I cannot make up an energetic impression I tune into, so do allow me to find the way to express it so what I am feeling & sensing can click sensibly into place for you. My energy impressions are always on point! So let me explain what I am feeling, especially for a phone call. It’s a little like when you are trying to explain to your doctor what something feels like and you are both speaking on the pain point until the right word is spoken that just clicks and makes total sense…it does not take long w me and it is not a fishing expedition either so do not misconstrue what I am saying here… Just know that in this area my accuracy is higher than 98%… ✅My specialty is deep & soulful questions. If you are experiencing deep heartwrenching situations such as divorce, or dealing with bad habits within yourself or a loved one & are looking to change your situation, or you find yourself healing from or going through traumatic connections; this is where my gifts absolutely shine 🌟 ✅ A reading with me can be quite powerful & deep so please ask me questions if anything I said is unclear. 👎🏾 Don’t be that person who didn’t understand something that was said, but never asks a question to help make sense of things. Happens all the time! 👎🏾 You should seek to be as present as possible for your session (quiet background & focused attention) not just with me but whenever you seek spiritual insights for your life; and then afterwards come back to review the recording. I do. These are the reading types and questions I DO NOT ACCEPT & DO NOT claim to have an expertise in providing answers to: 🚫🚫No When Questions, No Health related i.e., No Pregnancy, No Past Life, No Celebrity Soul Connections, No Channelling, No Build-A-Mate i.e., No “what will she/he look like?”, No Legal i.e., how do you see my divorce being settled? Or how do you see my custody case turning out?, No Black Magic, No Curses, No Spells, No Lottery, No Death Predictions, No Lost People, No Lost Pets, No Lost Items, No General Questions like what do you see pls without providing me with some context & a topic also being given🚫🚫 ❌‼️Do not tell me how to find your answers: I will listen to my Spirit alone on the matter of how I find your answers i.e. (pls use tarot cards - pls don’t use tarot cards) - I will listen to My Guides ONLY‼️❌ ❌‼️Do not ask me when will my soulmate come! Select another psychic. Do not ask me how will your person look! Respectfully, please, select another psychic. I am not the advisor for you!‼️❌ ✅I DO: Astrology - you must purchase 24hr reading first even if you want a live reading it is best to allow me to really study your chart & write ASTROLOGY in all caps as the first word in your question section so I can cast your chart immediately, Forecast of 4 months ahead in 1 3min video only & if you get a forecast reading no other topic should be included; pls order followups for full year in-depth forecasts, (FORECASTS ARE ASTROLOGY ONLY), Aura Readings via Video, Energy Scans via Phone Call, Getting Unstuck in Matters of Love & Finance, Career Consultations, Life Purpose, Astrology, Dream Analysis, Business Advice (BSBA in Finanace & International Business), Paradigm Shift Consultations, Manifestation by working with Universal Laws, Unlocking Abundance in Your Life, Finding the Missing Piece(s) for Your Inventions, Creative Sessions for Your Entrepreneurial Pursuits, Business Management Consultations (BSBA in Finance & International Business); as well as relationship, family dynamics, career situations, love, third party situationships & entanglements, how to keep marriages or make a relationship work, affairs, how to earn more money, freelance considerations, change of home & relocation, Numerlogy, & birth chart analysis. ✅ Please take a moment to think about & prepare your questions. ✅ It is against terms of use to continue the reading in the chat. Please give enough time for me to answer all of your questions during our actual session together. It gets really busy and it is always better to order a followup so there is less chance of confusion. Thank you 🌹 🤍 🕊 🤍 🕊 🤍 🕊 🤍


Dream analysis, Astrology & Horoscopes, Psychic readings, Love readings, Tarot readings

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