honest empath

the truth will set you free
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About my services

🌟CHAT INSTRUCTIONS 🌟 1) Do include all names 2) DONT include dob 3) when typing type little by little instead of one big paragraph 🌟I’m an empathetic tarot reader 🌟which means I feel the energies of the cards and interpret them. I also get images and words sometimes that help guide me. 🌟My readings are based on current energies🌟 and keep in mind that the information you receive in any reading can influence the energies. You could have been on your way to success and get a reading saying that you will succeed. If you get too comfortable after that reading it could change the predicted outcome. There are other ways that getting a reading can impact current energies but my point is I read current energies and energies if not too engrained in some habit are easy to change. 🌟I pause my videos 🌟so that I don't waste the three min on things like thinking of proper wording and so I can say everything as concisely as possible. I also find it helps me not be repetitive within the reading 🌟For live readings 🌟I recommend the voice call option because I can relay a lot more information in a much shorter duration. I also find there are less misunderstandings 🌟For the best reading 🌟give me some background info and make your question as specific as possible, also names. try to avoid birthdays cuz those throw me off and distract me. ⭐️id love it if you left a review ⭐️saying what you did or didn’t like about the reading. I have put in a lot of time and energy into developing my ability to accurately pick up on peoples energy and describe them concisely so giving feedback in that regard would be my favourite type of feedback along with how helpful you found the reading overall 💜All the best 💜


Astrology & Horoscopes, Love readings, Tarot readings

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