Crystal Marie

Love Psychic
7.4h average response
100.0% on-time delivery

About my services

Come chat with me live 📲📞 with texting or a phone call. It’s really my favorite way to give readings! Thank you for visiting with me today✨ Nothing is a coincidence, and I value the time and connection we get together 💫 I have a personal business of my own that I run so I come on as often as possible. Here is a little info on ordering with me … I don’t do general readings here. Shorter readings do not allow enough time to sort through all of the energy that makes you , surrounding you, and the people around you. Please give context to your situation , and be direct about what you want to know,, so that I can quickly connect to your situations in your life to give you as much insight as possible in the time we have together ✨ 🪬Rules on Messaging box- Messaging is only to be used for adding anything else you would like me to know prior to reading, and 1 question of clarity after if need be. Not for asking new questions. New questions must be made in a new order. I try my hardest to answer messages, but please understand this is a curtisy, not part of your service… I will 1 time if im able, but depending on volume of calls im not always able, so please respect this. If you choose to leave me a negative review, unfairly, especially if you don’t even message me asking for clarity, you will not be allowed to get a reading from me again because I will assume you are taking your frustrations out on me by trying to directly attack and sabotage me. Any negative review you see given to me have all be unfairly given based on a customer’s own charged emotions and are an unjust reflection of my work. This isnt a game to me. If you are emotionally charged and ungrouned, do not get a reading until you are calm cool and collected. I dont accept being talked to with anger, passive aggressiveness, cussing at me, etc. this immediately closes down my connection and the reading will end


Love readings, Psychic readings, Tarot readings

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