About my services
I want to help you find clarity 👫👬👭🥰 Readings available in English and Italian languages 💝
My higher self and spirit guides will support me through my readings to give you the most accurate answers and the best guidance.
I read tarot to confirm what I am sensing about your situation and gain extra insight, and sometimes I also consult other divination systems as pendulum, kipper, gypsy, lenormand cards, automatic writing, oracle cards, crystal ball, and more…🧿 I also read tools free.
🥰 I AM HAPPY TO GUIDE YOU. I have been reading for thousands of people all over the world 🌍, and I am glad to read for you today ❤️
What I offer:
💍Love readings/messages from your person (channeling to discover their feelings and thoughts)
👁Psychic readings
🌠Soulmate/twinflames connections
💼Career readings
✨Self development readings
I am often online for live text chat, but you can request a live voice call or a video call whenever it suits you, just message me.
📞Call now
💬 I type fast
💜 Please share your first name and dob together with your poi first name and dob. (Avoid full names and social media handles of any parties as per terms of use) Thank you 😊
I suggest a minimum 10 mins live session for detailed insights and guidance 🌝
I won’t read on medical and health related questions ( any health matters or close to health matters, pregnancies included) legal matters ( including court cases, insurances, visas, anything legal or close to legal) and financial advice (how to spend your money).
No mediumship
No lucky numbers
No spells related questions
❤️ PLEASE ALLOW ME SOME TIME TO REPLY TO THE QUESTIONS IN THE COMMENT SECTION...I WILL ANSWER AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. BE PATIENT PLEASE 👀 I offer only 2 further answers to 2 clarification questions in the comment section and it must be pertaining the reading itself no new questions. Please UNDERSTAND. Please restrain yourself from sending more questions 🙏🏼
For live readings please don’t ask more questions in the comment section, return for another session instead.
Oracle guidance, Angel insights, Love readings, Psychic readings, Tarot readings
Ratings and reviews
First reading with Claudia:) Her reading seemed very promising. Thanks so much again, Claudia! Got something to look forward to during this quarantine time haha! Will update when there’s something that changes☺️
Thank you so much Claudia
Accurately described the situation between him and I. We will both have to do what it takes to learn how to love ourselves before ever reconnecting and that is true.
Helpful. I will have to wait and see how many predictions come true.
Lovely and clear! Thank you!
She was very intuitive and was able to capture some of the things that I did not mention. I will be coming back to her.
This is my first reading with Claudia. She is a very sweet women, also seems very accurate and intuitive. She made me cry and smile at the same time. She didn’t give me a timeline (and I didn’t want one) she encouraged me to continue on the path that I’m on and follow my heart. For now, I’m comfortable with that. Thank you Bella❤️❤️❤️
She is a true friend & great reader. I love talking with her anytime, about whatever honestly. Claudia, is very very accurate and she picks up on energies & spirit vibes good! I’d recommend anyone to talk with her. She’s one ☝🏽 that always responds in the messages on the bottom of the video....not all of them do that at all and it makes you appreciate good people like her, on another great level. Love you girl. You have my respect fully 😘😘♥️ Patiently waiting on all of this great news to come to surface 🙏🏽♥️🥰😘
So sweet and thorough. Highly recommended
Thank you Claudia 💓💓wow you left me without words. You certainly did say things that are true. I’m looking forward to your prediction and yes I will update 💓 thank you.
This is my second reading with Claudia. I feel as though I have a connection with her. My first reading almost immediately after, things started to look up for me but I needed some clarification so I did another reading. She brings such peace to me and I hope to report back with the good things that are to come ❤️ thank you from the bottom of my broken (hopefully soon healed) heart!
Uplifting when giving answers to questions that could be heart breaking.
I love this woman & it wasn’t just because of the reading resonated with me. I provided very very little info & what she picked up on was bang on. Not usually into tarot’s but it’s the way Eden explains it along with what she feels that has converted me. Beautiful compassionate energy yet no fluff & direct...Thx Hun..I will be back xx
Great reading as always- wish predictions will come to pass soon 🙏
Wow! Wow! Wow! So accurate. So bang on. She nailed it. Amazing reading. Wonderful soul.
Very genuine. Comforting in her words and advice. Highly recommended!
Excellent . She responds so fast and is caring about the situation !! Million stars
Was not accurate and didn’t predict anything.
thank you so much for this reading Claudia - can’t tell you how much it resonated with me my specific situation / relation dynamics and how wise your interpretations and advice were.
My second reading and she is on point... She is straight to the point and very at ease... I also love the fact you don't need to wait for the 24 hours...
Thank you great as always