About my services
Intuitive Advisor 1111 🌟☀️🧿 SALE ✅ days 🌞Fridays and Mondays GMT🌞 Services: ❤️Love/Romance Readings 👁Career/Finance Readings 👁Spiritual Guidance 👁Mediumship (speaking to those on the other side - loved ones) Identifying Spiitual Blockages - cleansing of negative energies to the positive setting you on a clear path for your highest good 👁Connecting to your Angels
Love readings, Psychic readings, Tarot readings
Ratings and reviews
Thanks she is a beautiful reader and healer 💖🌟🌈
Thanks a ton !! This is my second reading from her and she’s really accurate . I will be sure to mention it to him . God bless !
Thanks a lot , this was very very beautiful and informative . I’ve never had a tarot reading in this style . It was really nice , and she is so kind ! She picked up on my nervousness . I will take heed to your advices and follow them closely . God bless ! 💖 I’ll be back to update after I’m sure
Her first prediction came to pass exactly word for word how she said it would. I came back today for an update shes great and super sweet.
Thank you for your guidance. 😊❤️
Connected really well. Reading is clear, thorough, and insightful. 😊❤️
Thank you
Great reading, she is so kind and calming! I have to be positive and supportive. Just push out all the negativity and be there for the person I love. Thank you very much!
Wonderful reading very kind and gentle will return for sure I feel a lot more at peace with how I’m felling now and know I’m on the right path
Thank you for a lovely reading!💖
Thank you for the insight 💕
Warm, kind and thoughtful reading
Infinity K is wonderful. My reading included what I need to hear, not necessarily what I want to hear. She gives it to me straight and I appreciate that. This is my second reading with her, and I will definitely be back for another.♥️ Thank You🙂
Lovely insight. Thanks
24th reading - thank you for your gift & insight, Kim💕
my 23rd reading by Kim 💕 Thank you for the compassion and genuine concern, Kim ❤️
my 22nd reading by Kim 🌸 and more to come. Thank you, Kim 💕
reading was good but my work situation is not 🥺 sigh...
My nth reading by Kim - thank you for your insight, Kim 💕
Thank you, Kim! Looking forward to more readings from you! 🥰
another detailed reading by Kim; she never disappoints 💕
Thank you
Thank you! Very clear reading.
17th reading in less than a week - you can tell how much I seek Kim’s insight for even my measly worries 💕
16th reading- thank you, Kim 😁
15th reading - thank you for your gift, Kim ☺️
14th reading! still my go-to here in PO 🙏
13th reading in a row by Infinity K - thank you for your insight, Kim! I keep coming back for her readings! ☺️🙏😍
12th reading in a row by Infinity K - thank you for your insight, Kim! I keep coming back for her readings! ☺️🙏😍