Delaluna Answers

Lets skip the BS
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About my services

Please only connect as a last resort. My readings are only for those who are ready to accept what they have become blind to. 👋 My name is Delaluna Answers. I'm a published tarot deck creator, acclaimed psychic, and spiritual social media influencer. My spiritual work IS my life. I'm here to translate what the Universe wants to communicate with you. Let me eliminate the confusion of energy concepts and convey a clear message. I am serious about delivering and will not omit or “sugarcoat” what is depicted. This is your healing, growth and life in question so we need to take it seriously. Accepting inquiries related to relationships, careers, and general insights. My turnaround response time is always quick and straightforward. Let’s get a clearer understanding of your circumstances today. ⬆⬆⬆That was my professional bio.⬆⬆⬆ I can keep it classy... but how about we switch it up like a Gemini? ⬇⬇⬇Now let's get real⬇⬇⬇ 🆘☣️🛑CAUTION🛑☣️🆘 COLD HARD TRUTH ZONE. Dreams will get shot and reality checks handed out! Do not inquire if easily offended. My job is to translate what messages come forth. I’m gonna lay it how it is. I have mad love for my querents (you) so it is my duty to be honest in translation and help you grow. This is for the betterment of YOURSELF. I may throw in my two cents opinion if you ask. Annnnd I'll throw a couple jokes to see you smile. ❤️ Please understand that this is all out of love from me. I’m just telling you the messages that are coming forward 💯 And am giving you my advice so you can grow. Don't get mad at me because I didn't paint the pretty picture you expected. ✍💌NOTES: Due to the amount of orders I receive, please consider that I am delayed and limited to respond in the comments section. You may want to consider ordering again if you have follow up questions. Please state each person's name, date and zodiac with every order. I NEED ZODIACS for each person. DO NOT get upset with me about my analysis of compatibility if you do not provide this. I read for many clients around the world that use various forms of writing birthdates and may read your format incorrectly. Ask TWO questions MAXIMUM of same subject. Make it make sense, bruh. Write decent sentences and grammar. No HEALTH, MEDICAL or LEGAL questions as per Purple Ocean rules. Sorrrryyyy 😬😕 VIBE CHECK⚡️don't connect with me if you're in a foul mood and ready to take it out on someone. I'm super friendly and always in a good mood.


Astrology & Horoscopes, Love readings, Tarot readings

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