Mystic Mark

Tarot Readings, Scrying
1.5h average response
100.0% on-time delivery

About my services

I provide Tarot readings, specializing in love, career, and relationships. I use my crystal ball, by request, for scrying and to tap into my clairvoyant perceptions. The psychic readings I offer are rooted in the flows of energy and aura around people, places, and situations. This reveals their feelings, thoughts emotions, and intentions. This is most often in the form of Love Readings, Friendships, Career growth/satisfaction, and other similar topics areas. All of which focusing to the energy, thoughts, feelings, and emotions of a person. With regard to my readings, I am very direct, blunt, and to the point of your question. I do not sugarcoat readings, nor give false-hope/fairytales. I give the exact reading I see. This is in not to be hurtful, but rather to prepare you for the future that comes. No matter how amazing or terrible the news delivered may be, I am detailed and honest of everything I see. Updated 2024 Before placing an order, or engaging the live-call feature, please read all of the following below, as it may impact the quality of your reading. • Include the following for every person involved in the reading: - First name - Date of birth (with year) - If year is unknown, then provide your best guess of the person’s age • Regarding Live Calls, please be mindful of the number of persons you are inquiring of during the reading. Switching between individuals will require resetting to the energy of each person. This usually requires 45-60 seconds to reset to a new person. •Dream Interpretation is NOT among my available skills. I will provide what insight I am able, but it is not a specialty focus. • Readings regarding the deceased are NOT services that I provide. If that is a topic of interest, please seek out a reader listing services as a “Medium”. ‼️ IMPORTANT ‼️ The following topics are prohibited under Terms of Use and cannot be read upon: •Medical matters (including pregnancy) •Legal subjects (including divorce/custody topics) • Financial readings (Includes, but not limited to property values, financial assets, crypto currency, gambling outcomes, or financial investments) Video Orders: (Standard/1-hour) Please limit questions to 1-2 per reading. Video responses are limited to 3 minutes. The more questions there are, the less detail I am able to provide. General Questions: There is nothing wrong with general questions. However, be aware that the amount of detail you provide will impact the answer in the reading. In turn, the more vague the question, the more more vague the answer. The more information you provide, the more detailed the reading can be. Follow-up questions: I will work with clients if they need clarification on an issue, whenever possible. That being said, via terms of service, I am not obligated to answer questions outside of the readings. However, I will answer “One” follow-up question per reading to clarify any outlying issue. Note: the chat box (following orders/calls) is for clarification to unanswered/unclear matters in the reading. It is not to continue readings for free. If you have additional questions/inquiries, please select to order a new order/re-engage the live-call option.


Love readings, Psychic readings, Tarot readings

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