About my services
I am now full time on this app. My hrs are not set in stone but set up those notifications! I log in daily😘 if you need clarification from your reading i will kindly do so after session. I will answer one additional question as well.
I am a spiritual intuituve and empath. I’m here to give you all the insight I can to help ease your mind in any current situation. I use my psychic abilities along w tarot for confirmation. I use my natural born gifts to provide clarity to your mind. I come from love and my delivery is gentle regardless of the situation. I lead w my heart to heal yours!!!
Please keep in mind i am NOT A MEDICAL PROFFESSIONAL…. Health related issues may not be resolved through me.
My guides will help guide you the best that they can!
I do have mediumship abilitiy but it always depends on the spirit. Some will stop and say hi and others won’t.
I truly channel mesages and give you what i’ve been given. I am a clairaudient and a clairvoyant. I will tell you what i feel and see for you all while shuffling. I strickly use cards to confirm what i’m already hearing and seeing❤️
My GOAL is to help inspire others, guide others and even help you tap i to your own gifts! I BELIEVE WE ARE ALL MADE TO SHINE AND I WANT TO HELP YOU FIND YOUR SPARKLE IN THIS WORLD✨
Will only answer one follow up question. Thank you for respecting my boundaries 🫶🏼🙏 ALSO THE REVIEW PAGE IS ONLY FOR REVIEWS NOT MESSAGES FOR ME! Kindly use the NUDGE BUTTON TO GET ME ONLINE. Thank you!!!
Oracle guidance, Psychic readings, Tarot readings
Ratings and reviews
wonderful connection as always. very accurate.
love ❤️ you always! the best! always know 🙌🏻🙏🏻
The heck! I wasn't expecting what she said come to pass so quick. He called today, not exactly how I expected it to be but we spoke regardless. there was some clarity to the situation. thank you
thanks hun! I needed that
God love you, 😘 😘😘 thank you so much
thank you so much! I love our sessions and so happy to have you.
she is my go to! she has seen things and events that are accurate! can’t wait for predictions to come to pass ⭐️
You are so amazing and I’m so happy that I got To speak with you today! Absolutely love the new messaging box. The only glitch I think is I can’t respond back now after our chat. I wish I could respond and say thank you and finish up what I was saying, but I love you to pieces kisses. I will be back unless there’s a you can message me, 😘😘😘
She always connects so and accurately! she is one of the best on this platform!! appreciate your guidance!
I ran out of funds but thank you so much for all of that! you are truly the best on here. I’ll be back!💜
always a good chat with you!
MiscellaneousMagic mentioned to me about seeing zoo animals in her head when I asked her about a present I was getting. A couple hours later my fiance asked me if I wanted to go to the zoo for my bday!!!! She sees it all and knows it all. I’m so mind blown 🤯 even though I’ve been talking to her for a couple of months now and I have seen her predictions come true time and time again. When it happens, I get so excited and speechless!!!! Thank you so much for al your guidance! I love our conversations.
thank you so much!!! you have seriously helped me so much!
thank you so much for all your insight’ I truly appreciate you!
She’s the best! I swear by her! She’s said things to me that were just on point!!! love interacting with her…yayyy so excited for your predictions hehe
Miscellaneousmagic, you are a breath of fresh air and you have been so wonderful and accurate with your readings. it’s been a while since we chatted and I missed you. thank you, lady. 🩷
love her!!! she’s amazing
Thank you so much for calming me down my love. I always love our conversations. 🤍🤍🤍