
Insight and Intuition
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About my services

Reflections🪞💙✨ Change is scary. It’s part of life, but it’s scary. And I had a recent revelation about myself (which I *KNOW* is true for you, too!). When everything around me changes and I feel uncertain, the ONE THING I can feel certain about is———I know myself. And for many of us, we have learned adaptability, perseverance, strength, and acquired a sense of wisdom along the way, overcoming challenges and obstacles that were perhaps much larger than we admit (and perhaps much more mointainous than anyone could ever know———It just so happens we made it look easy 😎 And with change, we can remind ourselves that we have learned the skills necessary to move past these challenges and uncertainties, too. I know it’s hard as we are going through it, and no matter how many lessons we learn, how much wisdom we acquire, or how spiritual we become, it is hard for us to take our own advice (as it often becomes much clearer in hindsight that we should’ve trusted our initial intuition…). So if you’re at that point and need a little clarity or guidance on which direction to go, if you are seeking to confirm what you already know, if you need to learn to trust your intuition, or if you are jumping into life and whatever it holds, then perhaps you’re ready for a reading 😊 I can offer what I see and sense with my spiritual abilities, and when things aren’t going quite as planned or hoped, or when things get a bit tough, I’m here to help guide you back to your Highest Self and getting you back on track. By the way, let me introduce myself! I’m GothicGenie🧞‍♀️💙✨ Thanks for peeping my profile! My spiritual method is intuition and my spiritual tool of choice is my mini crystal balls 🔮 My goal is to use my spiritual gifts to lead you through self discovery and self development, and ultimately self empowerment! I can’t make choices for you, but my hope is that you will begin to trust in yourself and the decisions you make. If you’d like an overall general reading you can simply give your name and birthday. You can also specify if you’d like a general reading about one of the following: ✨ Angel messages ✨ Career ✨ Life ✨ Life purpose/path ✨ Love ✨ Spirit Guide messages ✨ Spiritual journey …or any other aspect of your journey you may be curious about Some of my spiritual specialties include 🔮 Angel Insights 🔮 Aura color readings 🔮 Aura/energy readings 🔮 Connecting with spirit guides 🔮 Helping you identify your own spiritual gifts 🔮 Mediumship 🔮 Past life readings 🔮 Psychic readings Looking forward to connecting with you! Best wishes your way! GG🧞‍♀️💙✨


Dream analysis, Love readings, Psychic readings

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