Earth Ella

Energy Tarot Alchemy
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About my services

🏵 WELCOME 🏵 to each and every one of you visiting me here. The most important thing to know about me is that I LOVE my clients. Your lives are so important to me. I am trying to be online here more. I’m mostly available for LIVE calls & chats because it has become easier to fit in with my private scheduled sessions. But when I can - I do still go on purple ocean. ⭐️ It doesn’t matter where you are in your life or what your circumstances are, I can work with ANY situation. But NOT if you aren’t open to understanding energy, it will be difficult to absorb my guidance, which means I can’t really help you 💛 Wherever you are is perfect but it’s obviously more productive if are open to how I can actually help you. I do not have the ability to refund you. ⭐️ I have been a Contemporary Mystic, Energy Advisor & Tarot Reader for many years, with over two decades of focused, practical esoteric study, alchemical transformation, energetics, divination, teaching & mentorship. I love this work. I feel so genuinely grateful to guide my clients into becoming the highest versions of themselves, attracting and cultivating loving partnerships, purpose AND abundance. ⭐️ My service is progressive and designed for intentional adults who are willing to start choosing the highest versions of themselves, you have to become bold to live into your highest potential. My service is advanced and not suited for those who are simply looking for predictions of ONE fixed outcome. Although this can be very helpful for those who are not aware of their role in creating their experiences, it certainly has its place and can provide certainty & comfort, but it can also prevent higher outcomes when that is the sole focus or not in alignment with a client’s True Purpose or Highest Potential. I prefer not to limit my clients who are looking to call in their highest potential outcomes. 🌟 Please provide context about your situation, your desired situation or the reason you came for a reading. I don’t actually do “hotline psychic” work in the cinematic sense or feed unhealthy demands/expectations as such. I work with adults who want to navigate their potential outcomes with intention and purpose. I can’t stress this enough. 💛 Abundant lives begin with courage and humility. Guidance is very useful (necessary) if you are feeling unclear on how to progress in love/life/career. It doesn’t matter where you are on your journey, your past does not determine your future, the future is created through shifts in present energy and an awareness of potential. I’m not wishy washy about this process, you cannot be passive and expect your desires to arrive in your reality without taking aligned action. This is not LITE Law of Attraction, this is about deeply understanding Present Energy, Potential and Intentional Manifestation / Alchemy. ⭐️ I don’t fixate solely on flat/linear predictions because they often leave clients initially satisfied but ultimately quite powerless. We have to understand the energies playing out in any given situation to become empowered. Free Will is very misunderstood, it’s not some reckless enemy knocking predictions off your timeline. Your free will is a gift, we are designed to use it with intention, take aligned actions and to influence our frequency to align with desired potential (outcomes). I read current energy & observe potentials available, I use Tarot for deeper insights into energies present and their potentials, my focus is always on the energy CREATING the future (aka prediction/potential/outcome). Impatience, a common stumbling block, arises when we fixate on the timing of our desires. When you fixate on timing you make an energetic statement of having no faith in what already belongs to you (your TRUE desires BELONG to you, they are YOURS and you CAN have them). 🌟 My EXPERTISE is in guiding clients into their highest potential. The only way to do this and empower a client into truly achieving this is through understanding energy and how to shift your own energy into a higher vibration for a higher potential outcome. EVERYTHING is energy. Your future is not actually a prediction, your future is, more accurately, the current & accumulated energy creating it. You really want to start understanding energy because this is how to transform your life experience and become a clearer channel for what you truly want. ⭐️ The Tarot is the archetypal story of ENERGETIC alchemization of a human soul through life experience in 3 Septenaries: The Self, The Collective and the Apotheosis. Using the Tarot to keep peeking in to see what your ex is doing is a very poor practice and will keep you living into a minimum standard and ignoring your potential. I understand why people want this, but you have to draw a line if you want to create a life you love. I have to also draw a line because I don’t want to take part in enabling this. I genuinely want the best for you. ⭐️ Understanding the energy in your life is much more valuable than a fixed prediction because it is your energy that is creating the outcome/prediction in the first place and it is your energy that can fall out of alignment with the prediction too. ⭐️ Technically, there is no such thing as an “accurate prediction”, a prediction that “comes into fruition” is just simply one of many potentials that a person is most in alignment with at the time of a reading and maintained energetic alignment with. An “inaccurate prediction” (this is assuming an advisor is actually genuinely picking up on something) is simply one of many outcomes that a person fell out of alignment with, energetically/vibrationally. This is why energy is important if you would like to play more of a role in what you would like to experience. Especially when it comes to connections to other souls as you have two energetic systems coming in and out of alignment with potential. It isn’t as random as I’ve made it sound, there is cosmic orchestration involved (Multidimensionality, Astrology, Soul Progression etc ) but addressing the energy keeps it simple because you can interact more intentionally with your life in this way, with the awareness of your divinity and begin to embody your natural state of abundance - so you can actually experience abundance in reality (Love, Purpose, Wealth etc etc etc. ) You do this by shifting your energy to align with your highest potential and you stop living into your lowest potential. ⭐️ I often get clients who say “but I’ve tried manifestation, intentional alchemy, positive mindset and nothing has worked”. You have to understand how to shift your inner reality, how to EMBODY the mindset into your energy - this is the key. ⭐️ I’m not available for being treated like a psychic vending machine. If you have a session with me, you may also learn how to become less available for people who treat you like an energy vending machine ⭐️ I am the reader for those of you who are no longer willing to live into your lowest potential. If you are ready to truly understand how energy works (love, life, career) and begin to use your energy intentionally to CREATE and experience the life & connections you truly desire (your predictions and outcomes, essentially), book a session. We do have to get real and raw with where you are at so you can shift. This is my speciality and I am very good at what I do. All you need to be is READY. Wherever you are is perfect, I can work with anyone at any point in their journey as long as there is willingness and some awareness that you may be playing a part in creating your reality and attracting partners. ⭐️ Voice Calls are more productive, more understanding is reached but I will leave my chats on for those of you who prefer to chat and have the patience for typing or in a public setting (I’m very warm and I love you all so much, I also get more energy from your vibration when you call in) ⭐️


Oracle guidance, Love readings, Tarot readings

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